Monday, February 22, 2010

What are some products that stimulate hair growth?

my friend has a bald little patch on her head and she was wondering what things will make it grow back faster?What are some products that stimulate hair growth?

im not kidding

im serious.

use it.What are some products that stimulate hair growth?
Biotin helps. There is a product line (professional- you can get in a salon, or the salon at JCPenny's) called Nioxin that has shampoo, conditioner, mousse, the works. The main two products that work are the shampoo and this runny watery stuff that you're supposed to rub on your scalp. If I remember right, they are the two that have biotin in them. The watery product may make your forehead a little red if it runs onto it, and you leave it there. But the redness goes away shortly. (painless, btw) The over the counter stuff says that it may not be able to grow back any hair that you've already lost, but it promises that you won't lose any more. (Rogaine) Good luck. Oh, ponytails, barretts, etc don't help, either.
Hirsutism (from Latin hirsutus = shaggy, hairy) is defined as excessive and increased hair growth in women in locations where the occurrence of terminal hair normally is minimal or absent. It refers to a male pattern of body hair (androgenic hair) and it is therefore primarily of cosmetic and psychological concern. Hirsutism is a symptom rather than a disease and may be a sign of a more serious medical indication, especially if it develops well after puberty.
Here is something you must try! It's really great for your hair and body! It works very well and it's healthy for you, not like Rogaine.
nioxin. its a great product.

rogain started as a heart medication- does that tell you anything?

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